Siddur Ashkenaz (Paid Version)

by RobertR

Books & Reference

1.99 usd

Very lightweight application (only about 300 KB). No need for internet.

Powered by RobertRVery lightweight application (only about 300 KB)Includes: * Shaharit* Minha* Arvit* Kriat Shema Al HaMitta* Birkat HaMazon* Birkat Meein Shalosh* Boreh Nefashot* Tfilat HaDerech* Hanukkah (only in the paid version)* "Move to SD Card" option (only in the paid version)* Allows you to save all settings and customize every screen. (only in the paid version)האפליקציה פותחה ע"י רוברט.ראפליקציה קלה מאוד השוקלת 300 קילו-בית בלבד אפליקצית הסידור כוללת:* שחרית* מנחה* ערבית* קריאת שמע על המיטה* ברכת המזון* ברכת מעין שלוש* בורא נפשות* תפילת הדרך* מאפשר העברת האפליקציה לכרטיס החיצוני* האפליקציה מאפשרת שמירת ההגדרות לכל מסך* icons were added to the main screen

Read trusted reviews from application customers

bought the paid version for the settings capability to change background and font size. it is not working. 😕 don't have any options to change settings.

Ari z

Possibly the best android siddur this still has numerous errors. The biggest problem is the inclusion of non-Ashkenaz wording in the Amidah service(s).

Abraham Edelheit

Just the siddur, ma'am... No fancy GPS-based adjustments telling you what to davven. Highly readable font. Quibble: signposting can be unclear: instructions in line with tefillah text without punctuation; sometimes lacks space between sections. I upgraded to paid in order to support, but haven't yet figured out what are the settings I'm now supposed to be able to save.

Alice Webber

Great app..Thank you

A Google user

For those of users that wrote scrolling is slow, it is a bug in Android 2.2 OS and not in the application. In other Android OS it is working fast.

A Google user

Useful for the Jew on the go.

A Google user